
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4-year-old Lynny sayings

"Mom, guess what?"
"Poo-poo head."

"I need granola bar. Can I--granola bar, pwease? Say, 'Yes, you may, Emma.'"

"Ice cream--shut it." [When she can't have ice cream]

"Five. Five candies, pwease." [After learning how to count and how to choose only one candy instead of a huge handful, this is her new candy strategy.] 

"Hi, Chuck. 'I not Chuck'." [I have no idea why this happens.]

"This is terrible!" [Having her hair brushed] "I got tangles. I got pizza on my hair."

"Get off a my spot."

"Weave. Me. A. Wone!"

"'You needa say you sorry'--Sorry!"

"This makes me so sad."

"Mom, sing the Ariel song!" [Again.]

"I'm tellin on you. I'm tellin' Mimi on you, Mommy."

"Shhhh, let Emma rest."

"Emma's talkin'--shut it." [Oh, yes, she did.]

"You not listen-ing"

"Hi, tree! You so beautiful. That's a big ol' tree."




"Whadiya want for breh-fixt? Eggs?" [Takes order with pencil and pad]

"Bus rid-ers--STAND UP!!" [This one cracks me up, so I say it a lot too. ;)]

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