Kacies 1st time babysitting Emma and Ethan
When I first got to the Garland's house, I thought to myself this is going to be fun. Later Aunt LeeAnn told me to feed them because it was their dinner time. I fed them Ethan ate really good. Emma did not. When LeeAnn started to leave Emma saw her mom and dad go out the door and she started to cry. Then I picked her up and walked her around and I was telling her its going to be okay. Later she stopped crying and we went in the living room and Emma ran to me and I picked her up and she went in the air. Ethan wanted to do that to. I let him. They both did that for a long time. Then we finally quit. We were all wore out. LeeAnn told me that I could go get a drink out of the garage if I wanted to. I decided I needed a drink. I put the babies in the kitchen right by the garage. I started to go in the garage and Emma had got up on the bar stool without me knowing. Then she flipped off. But surprisingly, it was before I was out the door to the garage. Emma was not screaming crying. She was just whining. So I picked her up and walked her around and was saying it's going to be okay again. She stopped whining. She had a red spot on the side of her leg. She did not hit her head. I was thankful for that. Then later I took them into their bedroom Ethan was whacking his drums. Emma was playing with her doll. We played in there for a while. Then later we went back to the living room. Emma was watching tv. I was letting Ethan click the button on my phone to turn the screen on. Justin Bieber was on there. I told Ethan that is Justin Bieber. Then he repeated it. It was so cute! Then both Emma and Ethan began to watch tv. I just sat in the chair and watched too! Later Emma came and got into my lap and was acting tired. Then Ethan came and got into my lap too! Then I thought they both must be getting sleepy. So I took them back into their bedroom we were all playing in their toddler bed. Emma was laying down and I decided to lay on Emmas tummy. Then I jumped up and said Peek a boo! both Emma and Ethan started to laugh. I did that over and over. Ethan would tell me to lay back down and do it again. It was funny! Later I took them back into the living room to wait till their mom and dad got home. But first I changed their diapers, brushed their teeth and put them into their pajamas. Later their mom and dad walked in. Emma jumped up and screamed. Then later Aunt LeeAnn took them to bed. Both babies gave me a hug before they went. Then me and LeeAnn and Rodney talked about what happened during the babysitting and they talked about the scary movie. Then later my mom walked in to pick me up. Then I went home and told my mom what happend on my first time babysitting.
What a sweet young lady Kacie is becoming. And a great babysitter too. I know Ethan and Emma will always love her.