
Tuesday, July 19, 2011


You are almost 11 months old. I can't believe it. You have really come a long way since St. Francis! Your social development is coming along amazingly. You wave and say "bye-bye." You clap your hands. That has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen. You also have recently started copying my sounds and gestures. I can tell that you are learning that everything has a name. I say the name of something and you look for it. "Mimi is here" gets you looking at the front door or out the window. You love all of your family and get very excited when you see a known visitor. Sometimes meeting new people is hard for you though. You don't miss a thing. I just know you will be a people person. You are very observant of everything people do. Sometimes if I make a strange and sudden sound, it upsets you very much. You cry like you're terrified if I growl during a story book or laugh very loudly, etc. You look so cute when you cry. I've said that since you were born. Someone once told me that I wouldn't think so when you got a little stronger and louder, but they were wrong. You are still the cutest little unhappy camper.
You pull up on the coffee table and walk around all the furniture. You also recently have discovered that you can stand all by yourself without holding on to anything! It amazes me to see your tiny frame standing there like a big girl. You can stand and clap, too. You hold it there for quite a while. Daddy has almost convinced you to take a few steps, but you still drop to crawl for now. I have seen you take one single step a few times, so I know it won't be long before my little girl is officially a toddler.
You are still a very good eater. We still introduce a new food every few days. You and Ethan are also no longer vegetarians. You have had chicken and turkey. You love it. A few more new additions to our menu are plum, black beans, red beans, oatmeal, mango, blueberries and honey dew. You tried watermelon, but you and brother both hated it. Surely you will change your mind on that before long. That's one of the best things about summer...besides swimming. You love swimming! You splish-splash all over the place. You're Momma's girl. Hopefully you can help me get Ethan to like it too. I hope to take you both out on Pappy's pontoon boat soon.
You have a lot of teeth now, girlfriend! All of a sudden, you have two top teeth, and the ones next to them are coming in now, too. The ones beside your bottom front teeth are also coming in. You have bitten me a few times, Miss Lynny Lou. I yelled out and tried to really frown and tell you how much it hurt. I think when Ethan gets more teeth in, you'll understand empathy a little more. ;)
You and brother had your first 4th of July at your Pawpaw James and Gramma Janis's house. You both had an awesome time and did great with meeting all the new people. The fireworks made you squeeze me tight, but you were mesmerized by the pretty color bursts in the sky.
Another first: you and Ethan stayed in the nursery at church by yourselves this week. You had so much fun with Cici! You are the only babies, so I know you were getting her full attention. I'm excited to take you back because you had such a good time and Mommy is able to go to church again by herself and pay more attention to the sermon. Win-win. :)
We are about to wrap up your first year and I am loving our new family life.
You are my favorite baby girl and I love you so much! I tell you every day how pretty and sweet my little Princess-Em is, and I really mean it, Shug! You're my angel!

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