
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dempsey Cola

Dear Ethan,

First of all, you are a talking machine. Everything I say, you say too. It's amazing how clearly you can repeat phrases and sentences now. Not only are you repeating, but you are using the sentences on your own from memory. One time, I gave you some fresh green beans that were crunchier than usual and you choked on one for a second and I was so scared. I started taking your tray off and preparing to do the heimlich maneuver on you. I told you, "Chew, Ethan! That scared Mommy! You almost choked!" and then you repeated that for at least twenty minutes. The next day, you hadn't forgotten. You reminded me, "Mommy was scared! Choked!" I loved hearing you share one of our memories together, even if it was a scary one.

Every morning you tell me, "Daddy is loud." And he really is. I always agree. He likes to holler at you and Emma from our bedroom when he hears you chatting in your crib: "Hey, Ethan, Emma!" He's also notorious for the loud yawn. His yawns project through the house. Yes, Ethan, Daddy is loud. We don't mind.

Your daddy started your nick name of this era, "Dempsey Cola" and in case you are wondering, it's a random spin-off of Pepsi Cola. He always thinks of nick names based on random associations or sound-alike expressions. We both have the tendency to mutate the names of our loved ones. You may have a whole string of nick names by the time you are a really big boy.

You say everything is "awesome, dude" or "cool, man." Cutest thing ever!

Another cute expression you use is one I learned from my mom: "gad zooks!" I say it when I'm changing your diaper sometimes, and now, you do too. It's so funny. I think you're ready to start pooping in the potty, but you say "uh-uh." I haven't taken any big steps or initiative on the matter. I think I might be as intimidated as you are. That's how I am when it comes to transitions, but I think you will surprise me in how easily you can do it soon. I think we'll try it out on my Christmas break.

You have a preoccupation with shoes these days. You want to put your shoes on in the house by yourself and wear them all day. You put on my shoes or your dad's or sister's, too. If I try to take them off of you, you get upset. You want to show me that you can take care of business by yourself.

You also think you are big enough to quit naps. I disagree. I rock you in your room for a long time and you will not allow me to lay you in your bed. You think Mommy should hold you for your whole nap. Maybe you don't realize that Mommy wants to have a little time to herself while you nap. Or maybe you do. I have no choice but to let you skip the nap some days. Mimi works very hard to get you down on the couch when she's here with you during the week, and it usually works. She told me her secret. The trick is to trick you into thinking that you're just sitting in the chair with Mimi, watching some t.v. while she rocks. When you nod off, she lays you down on the couch with your quilt and you're done. Now, I can do it, too. You never see it coming. That Mimi is so smart.

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