Cici was out sick this week in the church nursery, so this Sunday was a little different. Mom and I took the babies into the sanctuary for big church. We thought if they started fussing, we would sit with them in the nursery ourselves. Everyone was very receptive when we came in. People smiled and oooed and ahhhhed. Some people said, "Look how big they are!"
"She won't be able to carry them both for very much longer," and
"How brave she is to bring them both to church."
Reverend Ann made an announcement that the babies were sitting in this week due to Cici's absence and that they may be "let loose" during the service. I wasn't too sure about that, but I loved that she was. I held them both in the pew until Mom came to sit with us. She held Emma and I held Ethan. We kept them occupied with Cheerios and prayer request cards.
When we all started singing the first hymn, they were both very intrigued. Ethan started clapping his hands and shakin' his head side to side. It made my eyes a little teary to see him enjoying himself so much. Every time we spoke or prayed in unison, they seemed both amazed and perplexed. They looked at Mommy, then Mimi, and all around: "Wow..." they seemed to be thinking. When Mimi had to go sing in the choir, she took Emma, too. Emma is such a good girl. She sat very nicely with the choir, of course. She kept her eyes on the music book. It looked like she thought it was singing story time.
The hymns and aloud prayers seemed to come at just the right moments for their little attention spans. They made it through the whole service without a single tear or tantrum. At the end of the service, Rev. Ann came and asked Ethan if he would join her. He obliged, thank goodness. He had the privilege of assisting with the benediction. What a special moment! His eyes were focused on her lips. Lately, he and Emma are both watching lips very carefully. They seem determined to learn how we do that thing called talking. The benediction began and it always goes something like:
"Remember that wherever you are and wherever you go, God is sending you there. Whatever you do, He has a purpose for His blessings through you. Now, go and do it. May the love of Jesus Christ and the presence of The Holy Spirit be with you now and forevermore. And let all God's people say:"
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